Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Teenagers in the media

My thoughts on how teenagers are represented in the media. I think they make alot of stereotype jokes about us for example the nerds in the media are represented by wearing big glasses and wearing an ugly sweater vest thing and the cool people have wacky hairs ( I don't know what it's called) and wear these jackets. I think this is an inaccurate portrayal beacause these days you don't see nerds with big glasses or wearing ugly sweater vests or cool people with wacky hairs. These days the cool people wear expensive brand clothing like Nike. I think this is a negative portrayal beacause there are people out there that loves to wear sweater vests (I don't, not a chance) but they won't because people would laugh at them and it's beacuse of how nerds are portrayed in the media.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Jamies Assignment 1

1.I believe that media is really important in my life without it I probably won't know what to do with myself. I like to keep myself updated on movies, music and video games. Speaking of video games I like how Xbox allows me to communicate with people from around the world it makes it a fun experience everytime I play it.

2. Music is the most important to me because I just like music it's always there for me I can bring it everywhere I go with my iPod Touch. I think it is an important part of my life because it made me who I am.

3. I think modern popular culture is great I like the new technologys such as video games I can communicate with my friends or other people. You can either talk about stuff or trash talk its a never ending fun and I am grateful for modern technology. I mostly use technology for entertainment like when im listening to music on my iPod Touch, sometimes I use it for information like the news or reading stuff on video games.

4. I think the internet is my favourite form of media because theres unlimited things to do on there like play games, look up stuff, watch videos. Without internet I think I would die and I also think you guys would die too. That's all I can think of about the internet so I'll talk about music. The type of music I listen too is hip hop, I got alot of favourite artists and it's hard to pick one. I guess my favourite artist is Young Jeezy because most of his songs have nice beats and lyrics. Music and Internet hasnt changed my life but I chose these because I grew up with them.